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wanted, and did not find out

wanted, and did not find out
, and went away. He was not confused at all. His talk was plain enough when he would awaken and say anything, but he simply would not talk to the witness. He would simply say that he did not want to be bothered, and witness inferred from what Mastin and Maj. Darnall told him, that Mr. Benoist was under the influence of liquor, though witness did not smell any liquor on him. Witness found bim in this condition two or three times In the afternoon. It was in the latter part of his career that witness found him In this condition. When witness drew this last will, the old gentleman said to him: "Now I willhave to get you to get somebody to witness this will. I have been in the habit of going to Sehuler to have him witness my wills, but I am not able to go around the streets." Witness was not certain but what he told him the doctor told him not to go around the street This was in the morning ot the day that he took the will over there. Witness never went over In the afternoon to transact business with Mr. Benoist after he had seen him once or twice In that stupid condition, and after he heard the stories about his drinking. The old gentleman said he thought he was going to die. Witness was paid for writing this will, $50, by a check. Witness did not take Mr. Browne over to attest the will in the afternoon because he did not want any question about Mr. Benoist being in the condition to make the will. That is the reason he took Mr. Browne In the forenoon. Hogan was not in the room when the will was executed. The will was executed In the morning between 8 and 9 o'clock. Mr. Benoist was never profane and vulgar in the presence of the witness. He had heard him drive Albert Mastin out of his presence. On one occasion Albert came up and asked him for a quarter, and Mr. Benoist told him "get out of this, you black hound<a href="http://www.cheapbeatsbydresonline.com/"><strong>Beats By Dre Cheap</strong></a>"some such language as that. He called him a "lazy [http://michaelkorsoutletonline19.tumblr.com/ <b>Michael Kors Outlet</b>]hound," or something of that kind.After this evidence in chief over the objections of the plaintiffs, the court admitted the will in evidence. On the part of the plaintiffs, Nora Stanley testified that she wasa waitress in Kent's restaurant She came to Kansas City 9 or 10 years before the trial of this cause, and had worked for Mr. Gaskill who keeps a restaurant, during the last 7 or 8 years. She knew Joseph Benoist. He boarded at Gaskili's when she first went to work there about 8 years ago. She worked there almost a year before she waited on him, but she saw him every morning. The waiters were both girls and boys. He liked the boys better and the boys usually waited on him. She began to wait on him a couple of years before she went away. She went away, and stayed a year, and then came back. The last time she served Mr. Benoist was the first year of the Exposition at Omaha. He was nice and gentlemanly, and was neat and becoming in his dress. He was very quiet and did not talk loud. He had one seat about midway, in the dining room. During the first year that she knew him she never saw him under the influence of liquor, but later she did. After she had been waiting on him a while she noticed a change. Then he got to be dull and sleepy. "You would have [http://michaelkorsoutletonline19.tumblr.com/ <b>Michael Kors</b>]to wake him up when you brought him anything to eat. He was that way morning, noon, and night. If there was a cat or dog near, he would get hold of it, and would have them fighting; fed them right out of his plate. He would be kind to the cat ordog one minute, and then in a minute he would have them hollering, pull their ears, tails, or anything he could get hold of to make a noise. He was odd; that is all I could say. He never did take much to me. I never heard him talk bad. He never used obscene or profane language to me." It must have been two or three years before he died when she saw him. "I never heard him say he did not like women; used to say they were no good. That is all I ever heard him say. He never objected to me waiting on him. He used to be sleepy most every morning, muttered to himself, and would go to sleep, and they would have to wake him up."Ruth


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