本次海外课程也是复旦MBA国际化教育体系的重要组成部分,在MBA课程全新升级的大背景下,项目充分整合两校优质资源,邀请到了Virginia CHA、 David DE CREMER、Markus KEIPER、 Lawrence LOH、Ho Kah Chuan等多位重量级教授、讲师。通过《创新风险模型》、《东盟市场吸引力》和《竞争战略》等丰富课程,为同学们搭建深度交流、拓展视野的平台,进一步提升大家的前瞻力与领导力创造途径。
Clarifying your values is the first step to exemplary leadership.
Clarifying the definition of purpose which makes people ask why.
Instead of finding a purpose for data, find data for a purpose.
If a leader wants to be trusted by others, he must first trust others.
Each region has its own unique characteristic owing to history, geopolitical factors, and available resources, which accordingly gives impact on the local innovation pattern.